Meet Osunnike Anke

Osunnike Anke is a natural healer, spiritual midwife, seeress and initiated into the ancient healing traditions as a Yoruba priestess of Osun, goddess of love, beauty, sensuality, and fertility. She is the Founder and President of the Institute of Whole Life   Healing, an organization designed to assist individuals and groups in rebirthing their divinity, co-creator of the Ase Whole Life Healing System and a Reiki Master Teacher. For over 30 years Osunnike has actively assisted in the healing and liberation of women, and particularly those survivors of rape, domestic violence and who are living with HIV and AIDS.

osunnike tapestry round

Osunnike’s additional training and talent is in psycho-spiritual therapy, drama therapy and the creative and performing arts; all of which she creatively weaves into her Sacred Sexual Healing, Liberation and Wholeness individual sessions, circles and retreats for women.

This sacred work is designed to assist women in healing sexual wounds derived from trauma and armoring that exist within their sacred wombs on a cellular level so they can begin reconnecting and reclaiming their sacred sexual womb wisdom and power.

osunnike anke

Osunnike is also the chief priestess of the Sacred Feminine Mysteries Initiation – Passage into the Great Mother.

These initiations are uniquely designed and facilitated to guide you into balance and harmony with your feminine nature, and offer you an opportunity to reclaim your sacred feminine legacy, personal power and divine inheritance so that you can consciously contribute more healthy womb and heart centered energy to your family, community, humanity and our Earth Mother.

ancenstor journey with osunnike