We are a diverse group of spiritual women (musicians, healers, priestesses and evolutionary change activists) who are taking responsibility for the healing, reconsecration and liberation of our personal wombs, our sisters’ wombs and the Womb of our Earth Mother. We invite you to join us…

one million wombs logo


Our universe is undergoing a planetary evolutionary shift. This is the time of major transition, and the momentum is building across the world to usher in a New World. So much of the devaluing, dishonoring, and desecration of our Earth Mother’s Womb and HER “natural treasures” and resources is also reflected within the devaluing, dishonoring, and desecration of women’s wombs – the sacred feminine – around the planet. You see, the Womb/Yoni is an Invaluable Treasure Chest, which is connected first to Self-Worth. As women our Value has been misused, confused, and abused and we are often taught and profiled that our Value is only in sexually satisfying another, procreation, and endless un-reciprocated giving.

As CEEW (Consciously Evolving and Empowering Women) – UNITED, we have the innate POWER to REBIRTH our world from the INSIDE OUT. The woman is the natural Creatress and sacred vessel for all human life. For all human life begins within our universal womb, replicates itself within our birth mother’s womb and at the completion of our human life cycle returns to the universal womb through our earth mother’s womb. A woman’s womb is a mystical holy sanctuary and is the sacred portal to infinity.

The physical womb is the rich and dark cavern, which reproduces the female and the male form as well. This feminine energy launches inspiration, desire and aspiration into manifested form while rhythmically transmuting inertia into spiritual transcendence.

As feminine beings when we spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically cleanse and purify our own WOMB (Women Overcoming Multi-layered Barriers) we are simultaneously healing and transmuting the pain, trauma, desecration and violations held within the womb of our earth mother, our ancestral mothers, birth mother, sisters and daughters. We are also beginning to energetically contribute to the overall healing of our fathers, brothers and sons. As we heal ourselves and our families we will naturally contribute to the healing of the human family; for one mother’s womb is another mother’s womb and one mother’s child is another mother’s child.


One Million Wombs United represents our “collective critical mass” who are being called to consciously manifest this new Rebirthing.

And yet, not everyone will be consciously contributing to that momentum. However, all souls will benefit from the conscious intentional efforts of the few. The FEW, One Million represent a “critical mass”. Now…more than ever …is the time to evolve humanity through an ancient new Indigenous, transformative, and interwoven tapestry of multi-colored Sacred Feminine Brilliance and Resilience from the Inside Out. Because Global Evolution begins with Personal Revolution….

tapestry womb


We utilize a Sacred Chant/Invocation that will assist in the efficacy of our mission to Re-Awaken YOUR WOMB POWER through our Sacred Womb Invocation. Through the process of sound healing, and entrainment utilized within our collective “critical mass”, we can consciously unite and rebirth universal wholeness into our New World. This process can affect universal resonance, and YOU are being called to add YOUR voice and intention and be a part of this critical mass.

Resonance is the frequency at which an object vibrates most naturally. Everything has a resonant frequency, its own unique sound, whether we can hear it audibly or not. Through resonance, one vibrating body can set another body into motion. In Healing Sounds, Jonathan Goldman states: “Through the principle of resonance, sound can be used to change disharmonious frequencies of the body back to their normal, healthful vibrations.”
Along with resonant frequencies, rhythms of the body – our brainwaves, as well as our heartbeat and respiration, may also be changed through sound. This is known as entrainment. Resonance and entrainment are the fundamental principles behind sound healing. The most powerful instrument you have for sound healing is your own voice, because your voice carries a unique frequency that’s in resonant harmony with the rest of your body. Intention is the next ingredient. For many people, the initial understanding of intent is a major steppingstone in using sound as a transformative and therapeutic tool, for most of us have never created sound with conscious awareness and purpose.”

Start Your Journey with One Million Wombs United


Journey into Sacred Sexual Healing, Liberation and Wholeness